Thursday, October 6, 2011

Locating Schools And Contacting Book Room Staff - part 1

There are numerous ways to locate high school and intermediate school bookrooms. Using the white pages is one method. If you live in a thinly populated town or small city you may already know where all of the eligible schools are to be found. If you live in a large metropolitan area like I do, locating bookrooms can be more problematic. In my county there seems to be a school tucked away every couple of miles. Schools of every grade level and type. I encounter schools all of the time that I previously never knew existed. In a situation similar to mine it will helpful if you use a school locator.

There is a very useful website that I came across right after I started my textbook business which locates kindergarten though 12th grade schools across the country. The web address of the site is:

The name of the site is appropriately, K12Guides. The K12Guides has been a real Godsend to my business. It provides me with nearly all of the information I need to locate potential bookrooms with just a few mouse clicks and keystrokes.

When you go to the K12Guides website the first thing you will see is a map of the United States. Place your cursor on the area of the map where you would like to locate a school and left click your mouse. The map will reformat with a zoomed in view of the area. From this magnified view you will see red, green, blue and purple marker flags on the map. Each flag represents the location of a particular type of school. Elementary schools are represented by red flags. Middle schools are represented by blue flags. High schools are represented by green flags and other types of schools like vocational and alternative schools are represented by purple flags. You can drag the map left, right, up and down by left clicking your mouse and holding down on the button. From here you can position the map on the screen wherever you like.

On the upper right side of the map page you will see three vertically aligned boxes accompanied by drop down menus. These boxes can be used to help you hone in on the exact type of school you are looking for.
Under the three vertical boxes you will see a larger grey toned rectangular box with a list of schools inside. This list correlates and corresponds to the flagged schools on the map in the center of your browser screen. The list in the rectangular box will change and update as you drag the map.

Beneath the map you will see two magnifying glass icons. Clicking on them will expand or reduce the view of the map. You can expand your map view to help isolate the green or blue flags on your screen. After you have magnified your view of the mapped area to your liking place your cursor on one of the green or blue flags and click. A popup will appear.

Below is a cut and pasted example for the type of information that will appear in the popup.