Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where To Get Your Book Inventory At Zero Cost

Your book inventory will come from high school book rooms. Most people will be able to remember what their high school book room looked like before they graduated. The room would often be overflowing to the point that textbooks were stacked on the floor, on carts, in boxes and on any other available flat surface. In most instances this jam-packed and bursting at the seams condition hasn’t changed since you left school.

The person in charge of the average high school book room is usually overwhelmed by their duties. The tendency of the book room person to be weighed down is a result of not being able to get rid of aged or extra book inventory. New books arrive regularly but old books are not removed on a systematic schedule.

The person in charge of the book room is not allowed to just toss the old books into the trash. Book room people endeavor to establish agreements with the corporate book companies to pick up their old textbooks. But these agreements are frequently just lip service agreements on the parts of the corporate book companies. The large book companies assure the book room person that they will remove their old books in exchange for being able to have first choice at the books that will be replaced by a new adoption.

The problem is large textbook company representatives will usually  only make an appearance at a book room to get the books they are specifically interested in - those books with market value. The company rep will delay, procrastinate and arrange for partial take-alls.  They do only enough to appease the book room person and get out with the books. During the period in-between visits from the representative the book room person drowns in unwanted textbooks. Each day the book room person grows more anxious over the question of what to do with the excess inventory. The book room person can sometimes wait for eight months or a year before a representative from a book company decides to make an appearance. In the meantime the book room person needs help and space in their book rooms immediately! They need the book company representative to make arrangements for a take-all ASAP! To make matters worse book room personnel are frequently under intense pressure from their administration office to get rid of the excess inventory. From the perspective of the administration having excess books all over the place make the entire operation look disorganized and incompetent. But they can’t just trash the books! Trashing the books is prohibited.

This is where people like me, and now you, insert ourselves into the scenario. We make contact with the person in charge with the book room and offer to do what the corporate representative merely said they would do. And we will do it now!  This will work to your advantage. Because the floundering book room person doesn’t need the help now,  they needed it yesterday. When you announce that you are willing to bail them out of their dilemma you start to look like a modern day Knight in shinning armor.

The book room person really needs your help but may not have the authority to just allow you to come and get the textbooks.  The textbooks are State Property.  There is a bureaucracy at every school and the book room person will have to get approval from someone above her before she can give you State Property.