Friday, October 7, 2011

Paper Recycling Companies

You will need to locate the paper recycling companies in your area. You will have to find these companies yourself. I cannot help you with this. The white and yellow pages are the first places to search for such businesses.

Paper recycling companies often pay for scrap paper. They usually pay for scrap paper products by the ton.
After you pick up a load of books you will have to separate the books you intend to keep from those that are too damaged, too old, or have no market value. There will be days when three-quarters of the books you pick up will end up with a recycler.

The process of separating books with value from worthless books in your load can be likened to sifting through mud for gold nuggets. In time you will develop an eye for which books you should keep and which books are candidates for paper recycling. Take the books with value home and list them on line. Don’t be afraid to trash the rest.

The money received from paper recyclers for your non-sellable books can significantly offset your overhead for truck rental and/or fuel costs. If you find a paper recycler willing to take the books you have designated for scrap but are unwilling to pay for what the books weigh, go ahead and give them to the recycler for free. Another option is to unload them at your local refuse dump. There will be occasions when it is smarter to unload your non-sellable books with a non- paying paper recycler than to get stuck with them. Or to transport them back to your base of operation for disposal at a later date.