Saturday, October 8, 2011

Your Business Will Be Rated By Customer Feedback

Once your customers receive your product they will be afforded the opportunity to rate their buying experience with you. As with any business you want to establish and maintain a good reputation for being dependable, honest, efficient and professional. Below is a copied and pasted explanation from one of my accounts which explains how feedback percentage and ratings are calculated.
The positive Feedback percentage is calculated based on the total number of positive and negative Feedback ratings for transactions that ended in the last 12 months, excluding repeat Feedback from the same member in the same week.
Note: This could mean that the number of ratings used for this calculation is different from the  number shown in the Recent Monthly Statement.

Positives_____________________________ 4580

Positives + Negatives ____________________ 4534

This member's 12 Month Feedback ratings ______ 616

Positives: 4580 Negatives: 46

This member's Positive Feedback percentage ____ 98 %

4580 =  98 %

The 98 % figure above and to the right represents the overall rating of my online textbook business.

A potential customer will be able to see your rating before they make a textbook purchasing decision. With a 98 % rating like the one above a customer can tell that they will be dealing with an A rated seller. A rating between 80% to 90% will be a B rated seller. A rating between 70% to 80% will be a C rated seller and so on. There is a direct correlation between your rating and your potential income. It will work in your best interest if you do all you can to keep feedback rating high.