Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to start and operate a home based high school and intermediate school TEXTBOOK BUSINESS.

The textbook business is for the most part an obscure and seldom heard of way to earn a living. Odds are you had never heard of it before watching my You Tube video.   This is the first literature to ever present the business to the public in full detail.    There are only a hand full of home based textbook sellers across the country. Traditionally most textbook sellers are large corporations which charge large corporate prices for their books. Your success in this business will come from selling textbooks to potential buyers for far less than the books can be purchased from a major corporation or from schools.

You are getting in on the ground floor of a virtually untapped area of income. You will make money in this business if you follow through with the information which follows.

Over and over again I am asked the question, “What type of work do you do?” When I reply that I sell school textbooks, the next questions which follow are most often, “How did you get into that business?” and, “Is it something I can do?”
 I was introduced to the business by one of my clients while working in my previous career. My response to the second question is that my business is so easy that anyone who can read can do it.
 At the time of this writing our country and most of the world is in a historically deep economic recession. Each day the media reports more and more job loses and business closings. Fiscal recovery seems a long way off.

Thousands of people are finding themselves losing the income they have become dependent upon. The fear and uncertainty of how to replace that lost income is like a heavy weight on the minds and shoulders of both friends and strangers alike. The “Is it something I can do?” question is being posed to me so often that I have decided to write a step-by-step how-to manual.